CCT Sangali Clear Concepts Tutorials – CCT Sangali
सर्व प्रथम CCT ला खूप खूप धन्यवाद आज त्यांच्यामुळे आमचा मुलगा इंडियातील बेस्ट मेडिकल कॉलेज मध्ये एमबीबीएस मध्ये शिकत आहे.नलिनी मॅडम चे मार्गदर्शन,प्रभू सर व अविनाश सर यांचे motivation व मार्गदर्शन मुळे student मध्ये confidence वाढतो
Weekly test and analysis मुळे तसेच revision lecture मुळे whole syllabus अगदीं fingertips वर साध्य झाला व नीट 2024 मध्ये अपेक्षेपेक्षा जास्त यश मिळाले
IMAC ने नीट चा फॉर्म भरण्यापासून ते एमबीबीएस ऍडमिशन होईपर्यंत सर्व मार्गदर्शन केले तेही आमच्या वेळेनुसार आम्हाला काही त्रास होऊ नये यासाठी त्यांनी ऑनलाईन तसेच फोन द्वारे सर्व माहिती दिली, शितल मॅडम व नलिनी मॅडम नी बेस्ट मेडिकल कॉलेज ची माहिती दिली तसेच तेथील काही students चे references दिले त्यामुळे आम्ही JIPMER PONDICHERY येथे ऍडमिशन घेतले काही parent kadun amhi admission process खूप क्लिष्ट आहे आणि खूप काळजी पूर्वक फॉर्म भरावा लागतो असे ऐकले होते परंतु IMAC मुळे आम्हाला काहीही त्रास झाला नाही व अगदीं सहज सुलभ ऍडमिशन घेतले
Parents of Chinmay Patil
(NEET 2024 batch)
We are thankful to be a part of CCT. The CCT staff Dr. Nalini madam, Sujata madam are very cooperative. The teaching staff is also very kind & helpful. Cct not only helped in preparing for NEET but they helped in form filling for the exam, till the medical admissions also. The entire team is really a pathfinder in the complex study of NEET.They always kept us updated and made our process very easy. This year the admission process became more tedious due to hike in cut offs. But CCT helped us through this process and we made it!!
Thank CCT team for the support and Best wishes.
Parents of Raghav Sontakke
(NEET 2024 batch)
Heartiest Congratulations to CCT on the fabulous success especially in this challenging year of NEET 2024.
We are grateful to the whole team of CCT for providing accurate guidance on NEET and also for facilitating well through the admission process. Inspite of scoring good, this year was a challenging one for the students due to the threat of re-NEET. But the academy navigated the students well through this tough time.
We are very proud of Aneesh for his success and integrity throughout these years of NEET and the admission process. Credit goes to the great management team and the whole staff.
Especially Nalini Mam and Sujata Mam have lion's share due to their great patience, proper guidance and loving support throughout!
Parents of Aneesh Terwadkar
(NEET 2024 batch)
Hats off to Team CCT for their valuable guidance, counselling and quality teaching.
Well qualified veteran teachers have provided precise guidance which made this educational journey possible.
From scratch, CCT provided support till getting good college.
At last, it is Krishna who made Arjun successful..In my son's journey CCT played a role of Lord shri krishna...A torch bearer..A strategist...As a friend, philosopher and guide in this difficult journey....
We are very much happy to become a part of CCT.
Thank you CCT
Swadip Jadhav
(NEET 2024 batch)